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Book Editors Alliance

Meet the Editors
To learn more about an editor, click the image below.

Marlene Adelstein
is a freelance developmental editor. She specializes in commercial and literary novels; thrillers, mystery, historical and women's fiction; first novels; memoirs and screenplays.

Henry Ferris
works independently with writers, developing their ideas into book proposals and projects, coaching them through the drafting of their manuscripts and also editing complete manuscripts.

Sandi Gelles-Cole
has been a developmental editor of fiction and nonfiction since 1983, after eleven years in New York book publishing.

David Groff
a poet and writer, focuses on editing narrative--literary and popular fiction, memoirs, history, science, sexuality, and politics.

Hilary Hinzmann
coaches writers on developing their work and serves in editorial and writing roles on varied nonfiction projects.

Carla Jablonski
is a well-known editor, author, and ghostwriter of middle-grade and young adult fiction with many bestsellers to her credit.

Judith Kern
is an editor, ghostwriter, and collaborator in areas including food, health, memoir, spirituality, self-improvement, mysteries, and women's fiction.

Danelle McCafferty
offers all stages of editorial development for first novels, thrillers, mysteries, historicals, and women's fiction (all genres).

Nancy Nicholas
is an editor and writer who works on many kinds of books from literary fiction to cookbooks.

Alice Peck
guides authors at every stage from concept to final draft as an editor, collaborator, and ghostwriter. She focus on books about creativity, mind, and spirit, as well as editing memoir, fiction, and anthologies.

Toni Sciarra Poynter
is a nonfiction freelance editor / book editor / book doctor / writer / collaborator. Specialities: psychology / science, social trends, lifestyle / wellness, work / family, self-help.

Nan Gatewood Satter
edits fiction--literary, women's, thrillers, short stories; narrative nonfiction, particularly memoir; and books dealing with contemporary social issues.

Lindsey Tate
is a much sought-after collaborator for narrative and prescriptive nonfiction, memoir, and “big idea” books, especially within the spheres of health and wellness, medicine, science, mental health, and social justice.

Karl Weber
is an editor and publisher who specializes in such serious nonfiction topics as business, politics, and social issues.

Karen Wolny
has been editing books for over three decades, focusing on serious nonfiction for new and established authors, from writing book proposals to developing and editing full manuscripts.
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